About the Journal

The International Journal of Clinical Legal Education is an international peer reviewed open access journal devoted to the innovative field of clinical legal education.

ISSN: 2056-3930


Current Issue

Vol. 32 No. 1 (2025)
Published: 2025-03-11

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The International Journal of Clinical Legal Education publishes a range of articles, including: reviewed articles, practice reports, from the field, editorials and reviews. One of the ways in which we will be helping readers to navigate is by grouping papers in the following strands:

  • Clinic, the University and Society: this strand addresses the role of clinic as an instrument for civic engagement, access to justice and societal change.  
  • Teaching and Learning in Clinic: this strand investigates the curriculum, pedagogy and assessment used to prepare students for and support students during their clinical experience.
  • Research and Impact:  this strand will focus on the evidence base for clinical education and will explore the weight of evidence and the knowledge claims. 

We welcome submissions from practitioners from all legal and educational jurisdictions and from allied fields.

International Journal of Clinical Legal Education Conference

The journal organises an annual conference with the first International Journal of Clinical Legal Education Conference being held in London in July 2003, the conference has been hosted in South Africa, Ireland, Scotland, Australia, England and Spain with the latest being held in the Czech Republic. Delegates from more than 50 countries have participated in these conferences. Papers from these annual conferences together with submissions from clinicians worldwide provide highly relevant and topical material for what has over the last decade become a respected resource in the field of clinical legal education.